Love God
Connect with Jesus
Our world is full of questions, struggles, brokenness, and failure - so God gave us Jesus. In worship, Jesus invites us to come often and connect with Him. This isn't always easy when everything else in life demands you make it a priority.
In worship God makes you His priority - serving you through His Word, His gifts, and His people. We invite you to join us in our Traditional or Modern worship services where you will find answers to life's questions and experience peace through connection with Jesus.
Love One Another
Connect with Others
Busy schedules and life's demands make building relationships difficult. Our discipleship hour, small groups, and social events provide a comfortable setting to gather with fellow believers and give you a sense of belonging.
Love Your Neighbor
Connect with the Community
The world is broken, people are hurting and in need - both physically and spiritually. If only God would do something about it. He did!
He sent Jesus to save this world, and Jesus sends His church to care for the needs of those around us, helping them connect with Him. Our community is ready to serve and there is a place for you to serve beside us!
It feels nice to be needed. Bringing your own special talents and coming through in the clutch can give you an incredible rush. But being needed can’t compare to being wanted.
Nothing beats the feeling of being wanted just because you’re you.
The God who creates and keeps all reality made you; He goes out of His way to show the world you are who He wants.
And to make sure nothing could keep you from Him, He sent Jesus. No bad decision, no broken heart, nothing in your life or your world could stop Jesus from giving Himself for you. And through His gifts, Jesus joins you to His story. Now, you’re the gift Jesus wants to give to others.
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)
When Jesus says “make disciples of all nations,” that’s a declaration that you are who Jesus wants. He wants you so much, He promises to be with you always. And if Jesus wants you so much, so do we!
At Holy Trinity, you are welcome to bring your special talents; you are a gift and you are needed! But more than that, we want to follow Jesus with you. We can’t wait to meet the one who Jesus wants!
Pastor Joshua Brakhage
You are a welcome guest in our home! Going to a new place can be intimidating, but at Holy Trinity you will find a warm and welcoming environment.
You are not alone in your faith journey. We offer opportunities for all ages to gather with others and grow in God's Word.
You have been equipped with experiences, talents, and abilities, and God is ready to use them in service to others. At Holy Trinity, you will find opportunities to serve in the church and in local and international missions.
You know where your faith is. Becoming a member is a public statement of your faith to the world and our community. Likewise, membership brings a faith community's promise to stand together through all of life's challenges.
"The people of Holy Trinity welcomed me from my first day as a visitor and have become my family in faith. It is a community of people who are simultaneously saints and sinners who are focused on showing the love of Jesus Christ to each other and to the world. Leading me to Holy Trinity has been one of God's greatest blessings in my life."
"Holy Trinity has been a family to me for as long as I can remember! I have grown up here, gone to school here, and now i have the opportunity to serve here! Worship at Holy Trinity has done so much in my walk with God and i am forever grateful!"
"Worship is my safe place. It's something that brings me closer to God and my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so thankful for Holy Trinity for allowing me the opportunity to not only grow my faith but my family's faith as well."
"Over the years, my faith and that of my husband and children, has flourished. It is such a joy to be loving God and loving others through this community of believers! I am so thankful for God's guidance and provision in directing us to Holy Trinity!"
"What does Holy Trinity mean to me? Two words - GOD and FAMILY."
"I’m grateful for HTLC a community of Christian’s that challenge each other to grow in the word of Christ. I’m grateful to be a part of this congregation and raise my kids amongst my brothers and sisters in Christ that cheer each other along the way."
Thank you for contacting us!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Traditional Worship | 8:00 AM
Discipleship Hour | 9:30 AM
Modern Worship | 10:30 AM
Traditional Worship | 10:45 AM