Lent at Holy Trinity



Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

Early Service | 8:40 AM

Lunch & Learn with Pastor Hemenway | 12 PM

Family Service | 6 PM 

Late Service | 7:15 PM

Ash Wednesday allows us to reflect and repent on our sinful lives as we begin the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday will also start our Lenten Wednesday Series "Who I Say I Am."

You may receive ashes after our 8:40 a.m. and 6 p.m. services or before our 7:15 p.m. service.

Sundays in Lent

February 9th - April 6th

We have a complicated relationship with Dad and His rules. We like to see them somewhere on the spectrum of oppressive to irrelevant. Even sadder, the world has experienced Christians weaponizing these rules, leaving the scars of mistrust. But our Father envisions something different. From the beginning, the Reformers recognized God’s law as a revelation of His good and gracious will for creation. So what if we took another look at history’s most famous Top Ten list and saw a tender picture of life done right.

Wednesdays in Lent

Beginning Wednesday, March 5th

*No 8:40 service on March 19th

Early Service | 8:40 AM

Lunch & Learn with Pastor Hemenway | 12 PM

Family Service | 6 PM

Late Service | 7:15 PM

Discipleship Hour

Beginning March 9th

Holy Week

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13th

Early Traditional Service | 8 AM

Discipleship Hour | 9:30 AM

Modern Service | 10:30 AM

Late Traditional Service | 10:45 AM

Stations of the Cross Musical Contemplation

Wednesday, April 16th | 6 PM

Join Dr. Christopher Evatt for Stations of the Cross musical contemplation. This music recital will provide you the opportunity to meditate on the work of Christ, the enormity of the Father’s mercy, and the Spirit’s call to faith and repentance.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 17th

Chapel | 8:40 AM

Family Service | 6 PM

Late Service | 7:15 PM

Just Before Supper

John 13:1-16

It was a job reserved for slaves, children, or Gentiles. But just hours before our Lord is stripped before His crucifixion, we witness Him lay aside His outer garments so that He can scrub clean the dusty feet of His disciples. You can be certain the dirt from the soles of someone’s feet were under Jesus’ fingernails as He began to teach: “a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” John was among those whose toes were lovingly dried by his master and admits in his retelling of the events that at that point, it hadn’t dawned on anyone in the room the significance of this act of service. Likewise, as servants called in the pattern of our Savior, Jesus, we are called to serve those who won’t appreciate – or maybe not even recognize – the gifts we offer, just as our Savior still comes to serve us, offering to us His body and blood to cleanse us from the inside out.

Good Friday

Friday, April 18th

Modern Service | 6 PM | Family Life Center

Full Traditional Tenebrae Service | 7:15 PM | Sanctuary

Just After Nightfall

Mark 15:16-39

The night Christ was born for has arrived. As thorns burrow into his brow and lashes shred the skin of his back, the body of the Son of Man is bathed in blood. Acquainted with sorrows and the filth of our sin, the One sent to rescue the man of dust is marched to the cross. Laid on the ground to receive the blows from the hammer, the Christ is attached to the cross just as punishment for humanity’s weakness and wandering is attached to the perfect Son of God. For a final time, the Son of Man will cry out – not simply on behalf of humanity (“Father, forgive them…”) – but as one of humanity (“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”) Perhaps the most difficult of all, rather than ending with a soaring sunrise, this journey concludes with the Christ laid for us in the silent dust of death.

Easter Eggstravaganza

Saturday, April 19th | 10 AM - 12 PM

Join us for this fun family event! There will be opportunities for kids and parents to learn more about the Easter story, spend time praising the Lord, and participate in an Egg Hunt for ages 1 year old through 5th grade. Registration opens soon. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact DCE Ava Slaybaugh.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20th

Sunrise Service | 6:30 AM | Front Portico

Early Traditional Service | 8 AM | Sanctuary

Easter Potluck | 9:30 AM | Luther Commons

Modern Service | 10:30 AM | Family Life Center

Late Service | 10:45 AM | Sanctuary

Resurrection in the 5th Gospel

Isaiah 60:1-4, 11, 13-15, 19-20 | Mark 16:1-8

At some point when the Sabbath was past, Mary, Mary and Salome heard the words, “Arise, for the light has come.” They didn’t realize until they made it to the tomb that the glory of the Lord had risen upon them. So alarmed and astonished were they that they could say nothing to anyone. Today, the marvel of our Lord’s defeat of death is so astounding that the best most of us can do is “He is risen indeed. Alleluia!” But what does it mean that the Lord has beaten back the night, conquering darkness with an unstoppable light? How do we live now that the one forsaken and hated has been made majestic forever? Isaiah’s words bring Easter to us, because Isaiah doesn’t so much depict the Lord’s Resurrection Day, but ours. The Christ’s Easter isn’t complete until He has raised His sons from afar and His daughters carried on the hip, until days of mourning are ended, and bending low at His feet, our Resurrected Savior calls us to “Arise, shine, for your light has come.”

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