Our early service is full of Lutheran Tradition. You can expect call and response throughout, many hymns accompanied by our brand new organ, and occasional special music from our Sanctuary Choir or Handbell Choir.
Our modern service is structured much like a traditional Lutheran service but includes modern music from our full band. From Hillsong United to Lauren Daigle to Phil Wickham, our talented musicians cater to all musical tastes.
This service is a copy of our 8 a.m. service, but simply later in the morning to accomodate various schedules! You will still find all of the Lutheran elements and occasional special music.
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 AM in Luther Commons & Room 115
Children & Youth Sunday School: 9:30 AM in various classrooms
*See map of classrooms located on the information board in lobby.
Middle & High School Hangout: 5:30 PM
Confirmation: 6 PM in the Sanctuary
High School Bible Study: 6 PM in the Youth Room
Midweek Worship: 7:15 PM in the Sanctuary
*Please click HERE to view our Wednesday schedule during the Advent season.
Let us know when you plan to visit or ask us anything!
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible!
We recommend you arrive a few minutes prior to service to park, get a bulletin, and grab some coffee and a donut! Coffee and donuts can be found in Apostles Cafe located in the East hallway of our Sanctuary.
Sunday Mornings:
Early Service: 8 AM
Discipleship Hour: 9:30 AM
Late Service: 10:45 AM
Wednesday Nights:
High School Bible Study: 6 PM
Confirmation: 6:00 PM (only during the school year)
Women's Bible Study: 6:00 PM
Midweek Worship: 7:15 PM
Wear whatever you would like! Our members dress in all different attire. Typically they dress anywhere from a suit or a dress to jeans and a nice shirt.
We encourage our members to bring their kids with them to service! We do have a nursery available during all services for children 3 and under if needed. For kids of all ages we have Sunday School classes at 9:30 a.m. These classes range from 2 year olds through high school.
The New Member Classes are designed to help individuals gain better knowledge of the Christian faith and a better understanding of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. This class meets once a week for eight weeks and is led by our Pastoral staff.
Traditional Worship | 8:00 AM
Discipleship Hour | 9:30 AM
Modern Worship | 10:30 AM
Traditional Worship | 10:45 AM