The Lost Parables of Jesus
This three-week series unpacks three of Jesus’s “lost” parables: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son. By seeing God’s heart for sinners and for bringing the lost to Him, we are invited to not only see ourselves as those found by Him but also join Him in seeking the lost. As each of these parables includes partiers rejoicing over what’s been found, so also we may be encouraged to join with our fellow Christians to more fully celebrate God’s grace in our midst: certainly at a conversion or a reaffirmation of faith, but even celebrating the grace which comes to us in Absolution and in the banquet given to us by God in the Lord’s Supper.
Traditional Worship | 8:00 AM
Discipleship Hour | 9:30 AM
Modern Worship | 10:30 AM
Traditional Worship | 10:45 AM