About This Sermon Series
The Judges left Israel hungry for lasting leadership. The story of God’s people picks up in the books of Samuel, establishing the dynasty of Israel’s kings. But rather than a sweeping look at political history, 1 Samuel is presented as an inti- mate family portrait, telling the story of Israel as a nation through marriages under pressure, sibling dynamics, trouble between fathers and sons, and intense per- sonal failures. What comes together, then, is a scrapbook of sorts, reminding Israel of her family story and inviting future generations to find themselves in its pages.
In big and small ways, the characters we meet in 1 Samuel cry out, “Give Us a King!” sometimes in faithfulness to the Lord, sometimes in pursuit of their own short-sighted vision. In the century of history covered in 1 Samuel, authority passes from a priest to a prophet to a politician to a poet. But all along, God's people had a King.
The same Lord also seeks to lead us into faith, devotion, submission, loyalty, integrity, and honor. That same Lord sent His Son to rescue us from sin and teach us to pray “Thy kingdom come!” Because Jesus Himself stands on the final page of this scrapbook as the King Israel – and all people – need and crave. If you’ve ever looked at your family, your workplace, your community, or your world and prayed for God’s loving leadership, plan to join your church family this summer as we open up this powerful and pivotal record of the King’s work among His people.
We invite you to join us each week, too!
Daily devotional books like this one will be provided each week in an effort to connect the Sunday messages with your daily life. The devotions have all been written by either lay members or Ministry Staff of Holy Trinity.
The Sunday devotion reviews the sermon from that day. The rest of the week offers daily Scripture passages and a few thoughts to consider. And, if you miss a Sunday, you can always find our services and sermons online at holytrinityed- mond.org/watch-online. You can also find these devotions in podcast form! Here are the weekly themes for the series:
Answer to Prayer | June 19 | 1 Samuel 1
Call to Action June 26 1 Samuel 3
Refusing to Submit | July 3 | 1 Samuel 8
Glory to Shame | July 10 | 1 Samuel 14:24-46
Loyal to Promises | July 17 | 1 Samuel 18:1-16
Hunter to Humbled | July 24 | 1 Samuel 24
Sent to Rescue | July 31 1 Samuel 30:1-25
Traditional Worship | 8:00 AM
Discipleship Hour | 9:30 AM
Modern Worship | 10:30 AM
Traditional Worship | 10:45 AM